
Morning Routine Habits for a Successful Day

February 16, 2021  Adriana Lee Avatar
Morning Routine Habits for a Successful Day

Wake up Before the Rest of the World

Rise and shine, love!

If you have trouble keeping a morning routine because your kids, your husband, your wife, your dog or whoever distracts you in the morning — wake up earlier.

There is something magical about getting up and having the house to yourself. That peace and quiet can be rare, and it’s the perfect setting for you to get some much needed me time. Not to mention the magic of catching the sunrise every morning!

Which brings us to our next point:

Prioritize Sleep

The best morning routine starts the night before with deep, restful sleep.

You NEED your beauty rest. After a long day, it can be so tempting to binge watch Netflix, pour an extra glass of wine or try to get a head start on emails for the next day — but stop.

Sleep is one of the most underrated pieces of the self-care puzzle. And lack of sleep can actually boost the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to increased storage of body fat (specifically belly fat), brain fog, health concerns and can even make you crave salty and sweet foods!

Make Time for the Four Ms of Mental Health

Sprinkle every morning with these four non-negotiables: movement, mindfulness, mastery and meaningful engagement.


This is pretty straightforward. We have bodies that require movement – and when we don’t move, we’re prone to aches and pains and even illnesses.


Mindfulness doesn’t have to be sitting perfectly still in meditation for an hour a day. You can practice mindfulness through breath-work, mindful movement like yoga, or even just doing daily activities with awareness of what you’re doing.

Yes, you can be mindful while doing the dishes! The difference is instead of your mind complaining about the dishes or going over your to-do list, your mind should be focused on each step, the feel of the plate in your hands, the temperature of the water, the little bubbles that form.


Mastery refers to working on something. Getting better at something. This could be reading a book that teaches you something, learning a new skill for work, learning to play an instrument or a sport, anything that helps you to improve yourself.

Meaningful Engagement:

We are social creatures who crave and need connection. People need people. Human beings need these four Ms daily to live fulfilling and happy lives. Why not get all four in at the start of your day?

You could choose activities that hit all four points, or one activity for each.

For example, some light morning yoga hits both the movement and mindfulness category. So can a walk. A walk with your dog or family members would also hit your need for meaningful engagement. So can working out with a friend in the morning.


Your morning routine is yours and yours alone. Only you can decide what feels right for you to start your day.

Here’s some examples of things you can add to your morning routine:

  • Journal, for example, keep a gratitude journal
  • Take a hot bath and read for ten minutes in the bath – baths are not just for nighttime!
  • 5-10 minutes of breath work to get energized
  • Sit and watch the sunrise with a cup of tea
  • Read a few minutes of a book about something you’d like to learn about or improve upon
  • Any form of exercise
  • Eat the same healthy breakfast every day, like overnight oats or a tofu scramble
  • Cuddle your pet or partner for a few minutes

A sample morning routine that hits all four Ms might look like this:

  • 5:30 a.m. wake up
  • 6-7 a.m. workout with a gym buddy
  • 7-7:15 a.m. drink something nourishing, like Slim & Skin collagen in your coffee, a protein shake or a green juice
  • 7:15-7:30 a.m. take a bath and read something inspiring or informative
  • 7:30 a.m. do 5-10 minutes of breath-work
  • 7:45 a.m. get dressed and ready for your day!

The most important thing is to find a routine that feels good, makes you happy and that you can easily stick to!

Adriana Lee

Adriana Lee

NeoraFit™ Ambassador Adriana Lee is a Las Vegas born yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. She is all about self-discovery and empowerment through yoga. She teaches her students how to breathe, how to feel and how to get reacquainted with their bodies. As a teacher, she breaks down big concepts and complicated poses into bite-sized pieces to make them more accessible. Her teaching is based in anatomy and biomechanics. Students leave the class feeling refreshed, connected to their bodies, and empowered — and now she brings her skill and experience exclusively to you.

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