
Gratitude Practices

November 15, 2022  Adriana Lee Avatar
Gratitude Practices

As we near Thanksgiving, the topic of gratitude is everywhere. But you don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to consider what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is important year-round! 

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude has scientifically proven benefits. 

  • Gratitude opens the door to more friendships and relationships. 
  • Gratitude improves your physical health and psychological health. 
  • Gratitude enhances compassion and lessens feelings of aggression. 
  • Gratitude improves sleep. 
  • Grateful people have better self-esteem. 
  • Gratitude makes you mentally stronger.

Like most things, gratitude takes practice to cultivate. Like building muscles, it takes time and practice to feel naturally grateful. 

Here are some gratitude practices to help you feel more grateful:

  • Place visual reminders around your space. Find a mug with a quote about gratitude to drink your morning coffee in. Write a note and place it on your computer to remind you to feel grateful throughout your workday. Place a note on your mirror or refrigerator so that you’re reminded to be grateful each time you get a snack or look in the mirror.  
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Write down three things you’re grateful for at the beginning and/or end of each day. Five minutes every morning or night is plenty of time to reflect on what you’re grateful for. The more you make gratitude a part of your routine, the more likely you’ll be to feel grateful throughout the day. 
  • Meditate on gratitude. Listening to a short, guided gratitude meditation every day, or sitting in silence and reflecting on all you have to be grateful for are great ways to practice this. If you’re a visual person, envision a gratitude slideshow in your mind of all of the people, places, and things you’re grateful for.  


One Comment

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    Lisa J Tee-Theoharides 2 years ago

    Thank you for sharing these gratitude practices. They truly help to create the habit and build our gratitude muscle!!

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