
5 Ingredient Smoothie

January 4, 2022  Maxie Haase Avatar
5 Ingredient Smoothie


Milk of your choice
NeoraFIt Slim + Skin powder 1 sachet
Nut butter of your choice

You’ve heard the saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” before, right? We’ve all been told this at one point in our lives, but sometimes breakfast is neglected because we are on the go and in a rush. Check out my favorite morning smoothie that helps me kickstart my day. It only has 5 simple ingredients and it includes the Neora Slim + Skin Collagen powder. This supplement helps you maintain a healthy metabolism, stay focused, and supports collagen production which leads to beautiful hair, skin and nails.


  1. Add ice, milk of choice, NeoraFit Slim + Skin Powder, banana, and nut butter to a blender.  
  2. Blend all ingredients together unit smooth 
  3. Pour smoothie into cup and top with a dash of cinnamon. 
  4. Enjoy!




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