
The Importance of Faith and Family for Success in Life

November 3, 2021  Renee Olson Avatar
The Importance of Faith and Family for Success in Life

In my experience, we rely on our faith and family to help us navigate troubled times and to help us celebrate the wins. Research shows that most happy people also have healthy relationships and a strong faith. It’s who and what we can count on when we need it the most. Faith and family provide a solid foundation to build a successful business and life. At Neora, we firmly believe our success is a direct result of our virtues, and without our faith and our family, we would be rudderless and lost at sea. 

You Got to Have Faith

Throughout my life, having faith has added purpose, meaning and drive in my day-to-day and in the long term. It has always provided a framework on how I have wanted to live and has always helped me achieve my goals. I always come back to this: Do we want to be self-serving or do we want to be here to help others?

In my opinion the latter will always make you happier. When we treat each other with kindness, compassion, empathy and forgiveness, we create a ripple effect of goodness that makes life better for everyone. Believing in something bigger than yourself allows you to see the whole picture and makes your message clearer. When you are driven by faith, any goal you set for yourself it attainable. Practice these positive habits and I promise, you will make your community stronger and improve the quality of your life in the process.

All in the Family

Family can mean many things to many people. At Neora, when you join our company, you join our family—and we will believe in your until you believe in yourself. That is what families do for each other. Amit Sood, M.D., author of The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness, says when we work as if everyone we serve is a family member, we build stronger connections that can influence attention and competence, which can lead to success. At Neora, before we offer any product or opportunity to anyone, we ask ourselves: “Would I be comfortable giving this to a family member?” If the answer is ‘yes,’ then we know it’s a good decision and we are moving in the right direction. That is how you build trust with your customers and employees, and the happier those people are with you, the better off your business will be.

A Winning Formula

We would not be the company we are today if we didn’t truly understand the meaning and importance of family and faith. Our company is dedicated to ‘making people better.’ That mantra is written on the walls of our headquarters, it’s in our messaging and it is etched in stone in our culture. We truly believe that you cannot truly achieve success in life if you don’t surround yourself with positive people who care about you and whom you care about. We are here to believe in you, support all of your efforts and serve as a force of good helping you along the way!

Renee Olson Headshot

Renee Olson is the Chief Leadership Officer for Neora. Renee is a regional sales trainer, inspiring motivator, public speaker and advocate for children’s causes. As a Board Member of the Neora Ripple Foundation, Renee is passionate about helping at-risk youth, families and communities across the globe and is actively involved in supporting our Big Brothers Big Sisters and World Vision International philanthropic partners. 



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    Geralyn Schulkind 3 years ago

    Beautiful inside and out!

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    Dustin Mitchell 3 years ago

    This is so incredibly important! I love this article and I shared in on my LinkedIn

    Dustin Mitchell

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    Lisa Theoharides 3 years ago

    Helping others Win is the best feeling!! It is so true… watching my daughters, family and team Win brings me so much happiness!! Thank you for this beautiful message!!!

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    Lisa Theoharides 3 years ago

    So true ! Celebrating family, friends and team wins are the best! Helping others win brings me so much joy and happiness!!

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