
How to Enjoy Holiday Parties Without Sacrificing Progress

December 16, 2021  Maxie Haase Avatar
How to Enjoy Holiday Parties Without Sacrificing Progress

Holiday parties are in full swing, and that means all the treats and festive holiday beverages are going to be readily available everywhere we look. Instead of fearing your next gathering, follow the tips below and enjoy yourself!

Maxie Haase outside in the snow

Fuel up!

Many people make the mistake of not eating leading up to an event occurring later in the day. They may think that by restricting their food intake during the day of their event, they will save calories, but really that will just leave them feeling super hungry and cause you to overeat. Instead of fasting all day, try eating smaller, balanced meals and go to your event feeling content versus starving. 

Bring a Dish

If you are worried about not having healthy options, bring your own dish! I always like to bring something to share with my friends and family; this allows me to show off my cooking skills and have something on the table that I know will make me feel good. 

Hydrate Between Drinks

Alcohol and holiday drinks have a lot of added sugar and those calories can add up quickly! Consider drinking a glass of water before every alcoholic drink.  

Prioritize Protein

Protein is key for fat loss and helps you to feel full. Try to incorporate protein on your plate before going for the sweets.

Enjoy Yourself

The holidays only come around once a year, so indulging a bit is not going to stunt all your progress. Try not to stress and allow yourself to be present and enjoy yourself!

Happy Holidays!

Maxie Haase

Maxie Haase

NeoraFit Ambassador Maxie Haase is a Los Angeles based fitness instructor and personal trainer. She has been teaching at SoulCycle for almost three years and is also a virtual boxing coach. Maxie wants each of her students to feel challenged and accomplished after every session. She uses music to guide each workout and loves to move to the beat. Maxie believes everyone has an inner athlete and she strives to push her students to break through their limiting beliefs. You will leave class feeling energized and ready for the rest of your day. Maxie is excited to bring her knowledge and experience directly to you.



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    Lisa Theoharides 3 years ago

    Last week we had an awesome Vision board holiday gathering. Lots of healthy options like fresh fruits, roasted veggies and healthy dips. A party Fav…mock tails using Youth factor!!

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    Geralyn 3 years ago

    Great advice! Merry Christmas everyone!!

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